
50,000th visitor welcomed in Spanish Baroque exhibition

22 August 2019

On Wednesday 21 August, the exhibition of Spanish Baroque art at Sint-Janshospitaal welcomed its 50,000th visitor.

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The lucky ones, Gwen and Ronald Peeters from Wassenaar (NL) received from the hands of mayor Dirk De fauw and alderman of culture Nico Blontrock the exhibition's catalogue in five languages and a bouquet of flowers. They were very pleasantly surprised. The couple were spending two nights in Bruges for the second time.

Mayor De fauw is delighted to note: "With well over six weeks to go before it closes on 6 October 2019, the Spanish Baroque exhibition is already one of the best-visited exhibitions of Musea Brugge over the past five years". Alderman Blontrock completes: "The rare opportunity to see the hyper-realistic Spanish sculptures and paintings - most of which are privately owned - and the special way in which they are presented, appeal to a striking number of visitors.