On this rectangular tactile panel you can explore five costly materials used to produce luxury products. The materials are processed wood, processed leather, tin-glazed earthenware, alabaster and amber. In the tactile panel there are circular openings containing the materials.
We start at the top on the left. In the first opening you feel some processed wood. The wood is brown and the wood grain runs through the fragment.
If you move slightly to the right you will find the second material, more or less in the middle of the panel. This is processed leather; it is deep black, even darker than the tactile panel.
A little to the right, almost at the edge of the panel you will feel the tin-glazed earthenware or faïence, the third material. The earthenware is a very light colour with speckles here and there.
Those were the first three materials, which occupy fairly large circular openings in the panel. The next two materials are contained in smaller circular spaces. If you move your hands from the earthenware you just touched, a little way down and to the left, you will find the alabaster. This material is also very light, almost white in colour.
The last material is amber, and you will find it if you move your hands a little to the left from the circle containing the alabaster. The amber is also contained in a small circular space. The material has a warm yellow colour with darker specks inside and it reflects the light.
This concludes the tactile exploration of the costly materials. The luxury products they were used to produce were made or traded in Bruges.
If you would like to stay in this room for a while and continue listening go to number 19. The next element you can explore corresponds to number 22 in the audio guide, found on the next floor. Turn left and climb the stairs. Once you reach the first floor, turn right and enter the next room. Please be careful of the step. The tactile element is located on the right, on the first table right in front of you.