It took hours of work to embroider these figures. They definitely deserve closer examination.
This tactile element consists of a rectangular panel containing five fragments of embroidery. Gold thread has been used in all five fragments.
We begin at the top on the left. Here you find the largest of the five fragments. It consists of a piece of red fabric embroidered with gold thread to create several decorative Gothic letters. The edge of the piece of fabric is also finished with gold thread. The piece is oval in shape with sharp points.
If you move your hands a little to your right you can feel the next fragment. Note that the shape is completely different compared with the previous embroidery work. This piece is shaped more like a star. It is also embroidered with two coloured threads, golden yellow and silver. Can you make out the incredibly delicate stitches? This piece of embroidery is of an upright cross with a circle in the middle, which is slightly higher than the rest. Each 'leg' of the cross ends in a rounded point with two more points on both sides. Behind the cross you may be able to feel another cross lying on its side in the form of an X. Here too each 'leg' consists of three elements. The background is formed by a piece of green fabric.
If you move your hands downwards and slightly to the right, you will find the third fragment. Can you make out the star shape? In fact it is almost identical to the previous motif, but a little smaller. In the background we also find a piece of green fabric.
The fourth element is located at the same height as the small star you just felt, in the middle of the tactile panel. It also depicts a cross or star, but it is slightly more detailed than the large star. In the middle of the figure you can feel a circle as well as four leaf motifs, and this piece is not only embroidered using gold thread, but also red thread.
Lastly, in the bottom left corner you will find the most detailed piece. The embroiderer not only used several different colour threads, but also worked with different levels. In the middle of the piece you may be able to make out two circles. These are embroidered in silver thread. In between the two circles there is a border of tiny circles and around the outermost circle are yellow flames. The piece has a border of thread in several colours, featuring leaf motifs that point to the centre. In short: an extremely complex piece that someone must have spent hours working on.
There are no more tactile elements to explore, but there are two more objects which we would like to tell you more about. First comes number 57.