BRON Musea Brugge

BRON research centre

Call for Papers

We are currently inviting papers proposals for the conference '(Re)searching connections', with a submission deadline of 15 February 2025.

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The conference '(Re)searching connections' critically examines the formation and function of artists’ transnational social networks, while exploring new research avenues enabled by digital methodologies and approaches.

Embracing a broad chronological and geographical scope, we invite insights from the long nineteenth century and various contexts worldwide. By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue across art history, sociology, and digital humanities, and by connecting diverse methodologies and findings across specializations, we aim to enrich our understanding of the transnational social connections that “make” art history.

Submission procedure

We invite proposals for 20-minute papers in English or French. If presenting in French, please provide accompanying materials in English.

Please fill out the below form by 15 February 2025 and include a single PDF file with the following components:

  • A 100-word biography
  • A 300-word abstract
  • 1 or 2 relevant images (e.g. artworks, archival documents, data visualization)

Selection criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on relevance, clarity, novelty, and contribution to the field. We seek papers that reflect critically on the source material and methodologies employed. We welcome proposals from scholars at all stages of their academic careers, including final-year master’s students, graduate students, early career researchers and established scholars.

Submission deadline: 15 February 2025

Notification of acceptance: end of March 2025

Submit your paper

Leerling meester II campagnebeeld square website

Any questions?

For suggestions or more information about the conference, feel free to reach out.

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